The Dreamy Awakener

Feel dreamy to feel excited and receive ideas.

Dreamer Keywords: Patience, Gentle, Breath, Smile.

In a peaceful state of being, a calm and deep voice creates space.

The Dreamy Awakener

Do you remember the language of the heart?

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Hey you,

Welcome to the mystical and revealing ‘Dreamy Awakener’ blog…

Why this blog?

In a reality where existence seems serious and demanding, many souls ask themselves where all the magic has disappeared to since childhood.

Before we learned to speak we experienced the magic of life through curiosity, playfulness, and wonder… So, how do we get it back?

‘The Dreamy Awakener’ is a beacon of light, by aiding its readers on their mystical path to dreaminess and aliveness.


The Dreamer is an archetypal role of admiration, where the self conscious soul perceives natural beauty in all creation. The Dreamer treats all life with loving reverence.

When we perceive life through the senses and the heart of an authentic Dreamer, time slows down so we experience the awe of the moment. The world shows us her beauty and we experience the moment through the nectar of gratitude and tears of bliss.

When a Dreamer talks to someone, the Dreamer sees that person in their best version and treats that person from that admiring perspective. The Dreamer shares inspired insights of natural beauty spontaneously, so that the person experiences the ecstasy of that beauty within themselves.

The Dreamer helps souls to restore their perception of real love in their dimensions of reality, just like an innocent and natural brave child accepts all living things with adventurous curiosity.

When social fears have been dealt with, even if it is just for a short while, we allow ourselves to be conscious of our true selves, which make it possible to wear the costume of the Dreamer.


The Awakener is a role of unconditional love, where the self conscious soul offers acceptance and guidance to anyone who seeks to free themselves from the serious influences and harsh expectations of modern society.

From the time when the soul begins to learn how to speak in this latest human vessel, the caretakers tell it what to think and what not to think. Soon there is a whole world of words. The meaning of these words can be felt within your consciousness and we learn how to get attached to the words.

The Awakener helps souls to slow down their perception of time to live consciously in the present moment.

The Awakener helps to develop a sense of patience and gentleness toward one self, to help the soul discover its own set of energetic skills of pure love and power to share with the world.

What can ‘The Dreamy Awakener’ do for you?

‘The Dreamy Awakener’ stands for natural unity from a position of love, compassion, meaning, evolution, and expansion.

Here are a couple of examples:

  • By healing the inner child we clear the path for the heart to open up again. Our sensitivity is our most powerful asset to see the good in ourselves and each other, and create powerful groups to make a difference.
  • By slowing down and accepting life as it is and isn’t, we can allow whatever is naturally happening in the moment, and master our minds.
  • Through love, sensitivity and trust, lovers are able to synchronize the frequency of their energy centers and experience an activity as one being. The success of this ability is based on their soul experience, learning eligibility, and effortlessness of their will.
  • 3 to 5 minutes of stillness per waking hour really helps to transform reality into a loving place.

Soon this blog will launch. If you have any suggestions on what you would like to see first, leave a comment.


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